Access to the Frequently Asked Questions

Adding users

You can subscribe existing learners one by one to your course, by clicking on the link 'Subscribe users to this course'. Usually however it's better to open your course to self-registration and let learners register themselves.


The description has no computer related function and does not indicate any particular rights or privileges within the system. It simply indicates who is who, in human terms. You can therefore modify this by clicking on the pencil, then typing whatever you want: professor, assistant, student, visitor, expert etc.

Admin rights

Admin rights, on the other hand, provide technical authorization to modify the content and organization of this course area. You can choose between allowing full admin rights or none.

To allow an assistant, for instance, to co-admin the area, you need to be sure he/she is already registered, then click on the pencil, then check 'Teacher', then 'Ok'.


To mention the name of a co-teacher in the heading (co-chairman, etc.), use the 'Course settings' tool. This modification does not automatically register your co-Trainer as a course member. The 'Teachers' field is completely independent of the 'Users' list.

Tracking and Personal Home Pages

In addition to showing the users list and modifying their rights, the Users tool also shows individual tracking and allows the teacher to define headings for personal home pages to be completed by users.

Access to the Frequently Asked Questions